Navagraha Homam

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Navagraha Homam

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The Navagraha Homam is performed to remove all obstacles in life and attain ‘Ayur, Arogya and Saukhyam‘ (longevity, health and happiness).
The Homam is performed after conducting a Navagraha Pooja and  nine varieties of flowers, nine cereals (Nava Dhanya),nine vastrams (fabric of different colours),and nine types of Naivedyams are used for the pooja. Each Graha is worshipped with a specific flower. Nine types of Chamatas (twigs)are used.
This homam has the power to counter flaws in the horoscope and enable a person to prosper in life in case astrological defects are the main blocks to well-being. The homam is done to appease the nine planets i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu and is considered to be an effective remedy for Navagraha Dosha.Bad times are attributed to the different Grahas (Planets) and their position in our natal chart. The Grahas can be appeased by performing the Navagraha homam  and remove Doshas or reduce malefic effects. The blessings of the Navagraham can be obtained even if they were placed in disadvantageous positions in the horoscope.This homam is extremely useful & beneficial, since it’s performance strengthens benefic planets & increases their positive influence while pacifying malefic planets & neutralizing their negative influence. The Navagraha Homam is recommended for all, particularly for those horoscopes where planets are in detrimental or malefic positions. Navagraha Homam is  performed to ensure that you always derive maximum advantage from the planets. The Navgraha Homam performed with faith wards off all malefic planetary influences.

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